Day 238: Last chance to vote
It’s Adventure Day!
Today’s Activity: Design your own “I voted” sticker.
If you voted, good for you! You’re entitled to a sticker of celebration.
No stickers where you are? Make your own!
Or choose one from a set of frogs with cute lil butts:

Are you like me, and didn’t get an “I Voted” sticker this year because you voted by mail or dropped off your ballot? Here, have some!

If you click the tweets there’s a whole series a dozen or so of these frogs, so you can pick the one that’s closest to how you’re feeling today. (I am doomscrolling frog.)
Get in touch. Tag us on Instagram @sleepathomecamp.
Catch up on previous Adventure days:
Share your ideas
Got ideas for things to do with the stuff you already have in your house? We’d love to hear your suggestions.
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