Camp Day 6: Success is overrated.
I am sure that I am not the only one who cannot do things and the slightest investigation reveals that no one else can do anything either. This being the case, it seems to me that Mankind spends a disproportionate amount of time talking about the things he does well, when these few blades of grass are surrounded by vast prairies of inadequacy which are much more interesting.
— Stephen Pile, The Book of Heroic Failures

The Book of Heroic Failures is one of my all-time favorites, full of delightful tales of truly momentous errors. I’ve somehow ended up with two separate editions. The first one included a form to submit to join the Not Terribly Good Club of Great Britain, which declared itself a failure at being a failure and shut down in 1979 after 20,000 people applied.
It’s Adventure Day!
Today’s Activity: Do something you don’t know how to do.
Or something you’ve never tried before. It’s perfectly fine if you’re not amazing at it. In fact, that’s the whole point. Have fun and celebrate your shortcomings.
Or just go binge-watch Nailed It!, an entire cooking show based on this premise.
Want to show off your complete and utter lack of skill? Tag us on Instagram @sleepathomecamp. We’ll share our favorites in a future update.
Share your ideas
Got ideas for things to do with the stuff you already have in your house? We’d love to hear your suggestions.
Everyone’s welcome at Sleepathome Camp
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