Day 83: What you can do
It’s Adventure Day!
Today’s Activity: Show your neighborhood you care.
There are lots of things you can do to contribute.
Join together with neighbors to help clean up or help keep people safe.
Call your elected officials, sign petitions and speak out.
If you have money to give:
Support bail funds: here’s an easy way to donate to almost three dozen across the country in one go.
Help affected small businesses rebuild:

here’s a thread of black small businesses that were destroyed that you can donate to to help rebuild:
Please suggest more local organizations where small donations can make a big difference. You can reply to this newsletter, or tag us on Instagram @sleepathomecamp.
Catch up on previous Adventure days:
Share your ideas
Got ideas for things to do with the stuff you already have in your house? We’d love to hear your suggestions.
Everyone’s welcome at Sleepathome Camp
We’re new at this. Tell your friends.