Camp Day 9: Scrub-a-dub-dub
So you’ve been washing your hands a lot. Time to show them some extra love.
It’s Self Care day!
Today’s Activity: Make an easy DIY hand scrub.
All you need is two ingredients and you’ll have super soft hands in no time.
Sugar (salt works too)
Oil (olive oil or fractionated coconut oil work well)
Use just enough oil to get the sugar damp and workable — usually a 2:1 ratio of sugar to oil. If you want to get fancy, and happen to have some lying around, you could add a bit of lavender or lemon essential oil.
Give your hands a good scrub for a minute or so, then rinse with warm water.
Make just a tablespoon or two, or whip up a whole batch and store it in an airtight jar for later.
How’d it work for you? Let us know. Tag us on Instagram @sleepathomecamp.
Share your ideas
Got ideas for things to do with the stuff you already have in your house? We’d love to hear your suggestions.
Everyone’s welcome at Sleepathome Camp
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