Camp Day 28: Everyday I'm hunkerin'
We’ve been hunkering down for a few weeks now. But where does the word “hunker” come from?
It’s Scottish, dates to the early eighteenth century, and is likely related to the Old Norse húka, Dutch “huiken”, and/or German “hocken”, all of which mean to squat or crouch. “Hunker down” as a phrase arose in the American south in the mid-60s.
It’s Writing Day!
Writing Prompt: Discover the etymology of a word.
Ever wondered where a word came from? Google can help, but sometimes the answer is clearer than others…
“Gazebo” is a word a guy probably made up for a gardening book in the 1750s.
A few words with fun origins in art — including some cool dudes.
Look up a word you’re curious about, and use that as a jumping-off point for some writing practice.
Or enjoy a few episodes of the 2006 BBC series Balderdash and Piffle, where they attempt (and don’t always succeed) to uncover the origins of common words and phrases.
Want to show your work? Tag us on Instagram @sleepathomecamp. We’ll share our favorites in a future update.
Share your ideas
Got ideas for things to do with the stuff you already have in your house? We’d love to hear your suggestions.
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